Work we do
...tailoring our service to fit your business
“Life is in a constant state of change. To get upset by things is to wrongly assume that they will last. To resent change is to wrongly assume that you have a choice in the matter”.” – Ryan Holiday

Strategy & Change Consulting
We are at our best working with leaders who are ambitious for results. Leaders who are creating high support, high challenge environments. Triggers for change could include significant staff turnover, board pressure, stronger competition, missing financial targets or growing pains.
Strategy: analysis of how current strategy is performing. Develop it to accelerate growth and engage your team – building the team while creating it, not a process behind closed doors presented to a resistant group.
Change: Identifying issues through a tried-and-tested process, which in itself creates momentum for change. As well as developing change strategies and tactics, you and your team will understand change psychology, and apply concepts long after Thrive has left.
Generally, these engagements are six to 18 months’ in length, bringing a combination of consulting, 1:1 coaching and group coaching and development to the leadership team, resulting in improved financials and culture.
Board Advisory
Thrive has created a reputation as a trusted advisor. Known for bringing a breadth of perspective to thinking and balancing the challenge and support that is vital to those under pressure. Thrive promotes strong strategy and good governance to transform the board as well as the organisation.
Outcomes of this work generally result in a clarity of thinking and direction that may well have been missing. Engagements are typically 12 months or longer, with diminishing frequency but deeper impact, over time.


Executive Coaching 1:1 & Teams
Thrive takes your time too seriously to waste it. We know that 90 minutes to think, to create space, to problem solve and reflect is an investment to be treasured. The end of a coaching session is just the start. We are as comfortable supporting you in exploring the massive life questions and in the practical day to day. We know life isn’t simple and we sit with you in this complexity, while feeling assured we will arrive at the outcomes you want – or perhaps yearn for.
As well as the typical face to face engagements, we have been coaching by video and phone and internationally for nearly 10 years. At Thrive, we also recognise that team coaching is as valuable as 1:1 coaching for nurturing and shaping culture and performance. It is not unusual to work with a leader 1:1 and then their team as well, to accelerate the change and encourage the organisation to thrive.
Outplacement and Transition Coaching
As an organisation asking people to move on, we know that whatever the sound commercial reasons, “people never forget how you made them feel”. Moving on and forwards when we are facing a career change that we may not have chosen and when we may not be in control of the timing, can present many of us with our biggest ever challenge.
Thrive has invested heavily in learning, development, and expertise of change over the past 25 years. Experience as a leader deciding to restructure, experience as both acquiror and acquiree of businesses, direct recruitment and headhunting background, and deep understanding around emotional and behavioural change, are combined to serve the best interests of all those involved.
Typically, these assignments are intense over two months and then fade over time. Testimonials speak to Thrive’s ability to create a change in mindset and activities at pace, in what can be these most challenging of assignments.